Drum to Relax, Energize and Soothe You

"On the twelfth day...my true love gave to me twelve drummers drumming..."

Did you know that nearly every culture in the world has some form of drumming tradition? Drumming is an ancient activity and can be traced back hundreds of years. Recently, the health benefits of drumming have been studied and the research has shown that drumming can relax, energize, and soothe you. 

Drumming has been found to have many attractions and health promoting attributes. It is fun. It is meditative. It is a stress-reliever. It is therapeutic. It is interactive. It releases endorphins. When done in a group, it creates a sense of community. 

One of the many beautiful aspects of drumming is that there is no skill required. Everyone can drum! You do not need to be able to read music to drum. All you need is a surface and drumming tool which could simply be your hand. Or, take a cue from a baby near you – grab a pot, flip it over, grab a wooden spoon, and get to drumming! Research shows that drumming can boost the immune system, produce endorphins and cause feelings of happiness. (Just think of how happy those drumming babies are.) 

If you still need another reason to give drumming a try, it can be part of your cancer risk reduction arsenal. According to Barry Bittman, MD, President and CEO of the YAMAHA Music and Wellness Institute, studies have found that group drumming can increase cancer killing cells, which help the body fight cancer and other viruses.

With all the amazing benefits of drumming, it is no wonder that drumming has withstood the test of time. So, Thriver, are you ready to drum?

Twelve Days of iTHRIVE