stress management

Using Self-Affirmations to Positively Influence Health

Using Self-Affirmations to Positively Influence Health

Research shows that self-affirmations can help with problem-solving, stress management, and overall wellness. On this show, Karolyn talks with researcher Janine Dutcher, PhD, who specializes in this type of research. Find out the pros and cons and how to effectively utilize self-affirmations to gain better health and manage stress.

Circadian Rhythm and Your Health

Circadian Rhythm and Your Health

The importance of circadian balance cannot be understated especially when it comes to sleep, stress management, and mental health. On this show, mental health expert Dr. Peter Bongiorno will explain how the circadian system impacts health and how to regain circadian balance. Dr. Bongiorno's recommendations are comprehensive and include diet, lifestyle, and dietary supplements. Dr. Bongiorno is a best-selling author and a clinician in New York City.

Managing Stress During Difficult Times

Managing Stress During Difficult Times

As a nation, we are faced with an unprecedented amount of stress, fear, and pain right now. While there are many things out of our control, one thing we can continue to nurture is how we support our health during stressful times. On this episode, integrative nurse and health researcher Laura Pole will provide practical and effective stress management advice.