mental health

Effective Seasonal Mental Health Advice

Effective Seasonal Mental Health Advice

This time of year, mental health issues can invade our lives. Whether it's seasonal affective disorder, holiday loneliness or depression, or post-Covid pressures, there are ways to help manage mental health issues that crop up. On this show, Karolyn talks with mental health expert Dr. Peter Bongiorno about how he helps his patients cope with a variety of issues this time of year. Dr. Bongiorno is a naturopathic physician, best-selling author, and sought-after speaker on a variety of integrative health topics. He'll provide practical advice to listeners so if you're struggling this time of year, you won't want to miss this show!

Circadian Rhythm and Your Health

Circadian Rhythm and Your Health

The importance of circadian balance cannot be understated especially when it comes to sleep, stress management, and mental health. On this show, mental health expert Dr. Peter Bongiorno will explain how the circadian system impacts health and how to regain circadian balance. Dr. Bongiorno's recommendations are comprehensive and include diet, lifestyle, and dietary supplements. Dr. Bongiorno is a best-selling author and a clinician in New York City.

Re-imagine Your Health and Well-being

Re-imagine Your Health and Well-being

On this episode, we'll explore what it means to achieve whole health on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. Karolyn's guest is Tracy Gaudet, MD, who is the Executive Director of the Whole Health Institute, which focuses on radically redesigning the systems that impact health and well-being with the ultimate goal of making Whole Health affordable and accessible to everyone.

An Integrative Approach to Preventing Suicide

An Integrative Approach to Preventing Suicide

Join us on Five to Thrive Live! with guest, James Greenblatt MD, integrative psychiatrist who specializes in an integrative approach to mental health. This show will provide a unique perspective on anxiety and depression in the face of the suicide epidemic. We will also discuss how to harness integrative strategies to lower the risk of suicide.

Rebuild Your Life After Cancer

Rebuild Your Life After Cancer

On this episode, mental health expert Rebecca Palpant Skimkets will give listeners advice on how to effectively re-enter life post cancer treatment. This show will actually benefit anyone who is presently dealing with a life crisis. Rebecca's work focuses on reducing the stigma around seeking mental healthcare for cancer survivors. She is also in the process of writing a book on this subject that describes her own experience with cancer.