Relish in the Healing Power of Water

"On the seventh true love gave to me seven swans a swimming..."

Well those sure are some smart swans because swimming is a one of the best all-around exercises you can do! Swimming has both strength and cardio benefits and it’s very easy on your joints. Best of all, anyone can do it! Even if you are out of shape or haven’t been active for a while, taking up swimming or joining a beginner swimming aerobic class is a great way to get in shape. According to a study featured in Pain Research & Management, it can also be a great stress buster. For many people, there is something very calming about being in the water.

But what if you don’t like (or want) to swim? Have no fear Thriver because water is healing in so many other ways. You can try a form of hydrotherapy in the shower by alternating hot and cold water temps. This has actually been shown to help detoxify and invigorate the body so it’s a great way to start your day!

And what about simply drinking water? This is absolutely critical. Even marginal dehydration can cause all kinds of issues including reduced immunity and detoxification and even weight gain! Drink at least 8, 8-ounce glasses of fresh water a day Thriver to be sure you stay hydrated.

Water has healing powers Thriver so today, dive in!

Twelve Days of iTHRIVE