Integrative Care for Optimal Vision

Integrative Care for Optimal Vision

On this episode, Karolyn talks with eye health expert Dr. Elise Brisco about natural solutions for many common eye issues. Dr. Brisco is considered a leading expert in the area of integrative optometry and will discuss dry eyes and vision problems, as well as diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. If protection your eye health is a top priority, you won't want to miss this show!

Dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is an uncomfortable digestive issue that many people are dealing with. On this episode, Karolyn will be joined by integrative health medical expert Mona Morstein, ND, to learn about the effective diagnosis and treatment of IBS. If you or a loved one is suffering with abdominal pain and cramping, gas and bloating, and/or diarrhea or constipation, you won't want to miss this show!

How to Create a Healthy "Media Diet"

How to Create a Healthy "Media Diet"

On this episode, Karolyn will interview Jodie Jackson, the author of the new book You Are What you Read. We know the effect food has on our health. A balanced diet of quality, fresh food does us far more good than junk food. The same is true for the news. On a steady diet of bad news, our sense of individual and social well-being suffers. Instead of being passive recipients of this steady diet of negativity, there are six simple ways we can refuse to accept this harmful status quo — and improve the world we live in. If you are frustrated (or even obsessed!) with the news media, you won't want to miss this show!

Understanding the Power of Deaming

Understanding the Power of Deaming

You may not give much thought to your dreams but perhaps you should. And what if you don't dream, is that a problem? On this episode, Karolyn will talk to world renowned dream/sleep expert Rubin Naiman, PhD, about the importance of dreaming and how dreams can help enhance health and consciousness. This is a fascinating topic with an engaging expert so you won't want to miss this show!

CBD: The real deal

CBD: The real deal

CBD, or cannabidiol, is definitely the next big thing! The CBD market is expected to hit $22 billion by 2022! CBD is purported to reduce cancer risk, decrease seizures, relieve pain, improve sleep, and alleviate anxiety. Is the hype well-deserved? Is CBD the miracle cure-all it is touted to be? Helping us to separate fact from fiction and learn the ins and outs of successful CBD use is our guest, Dr. Wyler Hecht.

Ease Anxiety and Depression Naturally

Ease Anxiety and Depression Naturally

Millions of people worldwide struggle with anxiety and depression. Oftentimes powerful drugs are used with limited or no success. On this episode accomplished author and naturopathic physician and author Dr. Peter Bongiorno will discuss his comprehensive natural approach to healing anxiety and depression. He'll also talk about how to compliment existing pharmaceutical approaches. If you or a loved one suffers from anxiety and/or depression, you won't want to miss this show!

Skin Cancer Prevention Advice

Skin Cancer Prevention Advice

It's that time of year again when we are all spending even more time outside in the sun. On this episode, Karolyn will talk to Dr. Paul Reilly, a veteran naturopathic oncologist, about ways to reduce risk of skin cancer. We will also learn how skin cancers are diagnosed and treated. More people are diagnosed with skin cancer in the United States than all other types of cancer combined so you won't want to miss this show!

Cannabis in the context of cancer & pain

Cannabis in the context of cancer & pain

Cannabis is now on most people’s short list of things to consider when managing a diagnosis of cancer, and especially if pain is a part of the picture. Does cannabis deserve consideration in people with cancer and cancer-related pain? What do we know at this point? Join us with guest Mara Gordon, a global pioneer in medicinal cannabis as we explore the ins and outs of cannabis in cancer.

Understanding the Gut Brain Connection

Understanding the Gut Brain Connection

They may seem like two very separate parts of the human body but it's actually surprising how intimately connected the gut is to the brain and vice versa. On this episode, pharmacists and nutritionist Ross Pelton will join Karolyn to talk about why this connection is so important to our over all health. The show will focus on how to enhance brain health by influencing gut health.