Considering Yoga? Consider This

We know that movement is a key strategy in supporting cancer prevention. Find out how yoga can fit in.

Numerous studies have described and confirmed the many benefits of yoga. Yoga is the practice of performing physical postures and poses while focusing on breath, movement, and being present. Those who consistently practice yoga will tell you that it’s more than movement; it is a uniting of mind, body, and spirit. In fact, in Sanskrit (the ancient language of India, where yoga originated), yoga means “union.”

Strengths of Yoga

From a physical perspective, the various yoga poses stretch muscles and improve blood flow, balance, flexibility, and strength. Studies also show that yoga can help reduce anxiety, enhance energy, ease insomnia, and improve mood. Yoga is often combined with meditation and deep breathing, which can enhance its effects.

There are several different types of yoga, and it is accessible to people of all fitness levels. Even people who are not very flexible or strong can benefit, because yoga creates an individualized experience. Yoga is not about competing or achieving certain results; it is about getting in touch with your mind, body, and spirit.

Yoga Limits

If one of your primary goals is to lose weight, yoga alone may not cut it. Many people who practice yoga also do some other form of exercise for cardiovascular benefits and to burn more calories. However, some forms of yoga can provide you with a solid weight loss cardio workout in addition to all its other benefits. 

Quick Yoga Style Guide

The key to yoga is to know which type is best for you. Browse the guide below to determine which yoga style that will meet your needs.

  • Hatha - the most familiar form, and often taught at the beginner level, burns 175 calories per hour (equivalent to walking two miles in one hour)
  • Ashtanga - a little more intense than Hatha, burns 300 calories per hour (equivalent to walking four miles in one hour)
  • Vinyasa - typically combined with Ashtanga, burns 445 calories per hour (equiva- lent to jogging slowly for one hour)
  • Power - consisting of quick movements designed to increase heart rate, burns 600 calories per hour (equivalent to walking eight miles in one hour)
  • Bikram - performed in a room heated to 105 degrees, burns 630 calories per hour (equivalent to swimming the butterfly stroke for one hour)