Racial Disparities in Healthcare

Racial/ethnic disparities in healthcare are widespread in the United States and are prevalent across healthcare organizations. Disparities exist in cancer screening, clinical outcomes various chronic diseases and health conditions. Join us with guest, Dr. Ron Morton, VP Medical Affairs Urology and Pelvic Health at Boston Scientific and Chief Surgical Officer at American Medical Systems, as we discuss the challenge of racial and ethnic disparities and what is needed to make improvements.

Nurturing Relationships During Crisis

Nurturing Relationships During Crisis

On this episode, Karolyn will interview Tamara Green and David Dachinger about how to protect, manage and nurture important relationships while dealing with the challenge of a cancer diagnosis. Tamara and David are the authors of the new book, Live Calm with Cancer (and beyond): A patient & caregiver guide to finding more ease through the power of mindfulness.

Athlete Bryan Fletcher Tells His Story

Athlete Bryan Fletcher Tells His Story

On this episode, Karolyn talks with Bryan Fletcher about his experience as a childhood cancer survivor and what's it's like to go on to qualify for the 2018 Winter Olympics. Bryan will inspire as he shares his story about how he went from a childhood cancer survivor to an elite, world-renowned athlete.

Exploring the Endocannabinoid System

Exploring the Endocannabinoid System

There is a 600-million-year-old healing system in the body known as the Endocannabinoid System. It is now known that this ancient internal system is critical to regulating the proper function of a wide range of body processes. On this episode, Endocannabinoid expert Jade Beutler will describe how we can effectively support this healing system through diet, lifestyle, and dietary supplements.