
The Health Benefits of Connection

The Health Benefits of Connection

Research demonstrates that connection, even small one-minute or one-second interactions, can benefit health. On this show, Lise and Karolyn will talk about the research and then provide some practical ways to infuse more small moments of connection into your life. Those little glimpses of connection can potentially add up to big steps towards more joy, happiness, and wellness. We could all use more of that right now!

Easing Anxiety Naturally

Easing Anxiety Naturally

These are difficult times we live in and some people are struggling more than others. On this show, Karolyn talks with mental health expert Tara Peyman, ND, who utilizes an integrative, natural approach to treating anxiety with her patients. There is no need to struggle in silence. Help is available. Dr. Peyman will describe practical strategies to help ease anxiety naturally. If you or someone you love is struggling right now, you won't want to miss this show!

Let's Take A Deep Dive Into The Gut Microbiome

Let's Take A Deep Dive Into The Gut Microbiome

On this show Karolyn talks with pharmacist, best-selling author, and natural health expert Ross Pelton, RPh, about the importance of a healthy gut microbiome. In simple terms, Ross explains this complex system and how it impacts nearly every major body system from immunity to mood and even appetite. Ross then provides practice advice on how to naturally support a healthy gut microbiome.

Reducing Chronic Inflammation

Reducing Chronic Inflammation

On this episode of Five to Thrive Live, Karolyn and Lise will discuss chronic inflammation and the best ways to reduce it. Chronic inflammation underlies most chronic diseases and is associated with stress, fatigue, sleep difficulties and weight gain. Join us to learn key strategies for preventing and reducing chronic inflammation.

Everything Women Need to Know About Reducing Heart Disease Risk

Everything Women Need to Know About Reducing Heart Disease Risk

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death for women in the United States. On this show, Karolyn talks with women's health expert Dr. Tori Hudson about ways to enhance heart health. Dr. Hudson is considered a pioneer in the field of women's wellness. She will share practical advice on natural ways to help women reduce their risk of developing heart disease.

Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Antioxidants

Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Antioxidants

Antioxidants are powerful tools we can use to gain better health but how much do you know about antioxidants? On this episode, Karolyn talks with one of her regular guests, Dr. Danielle Citrolo about antioxidants. Find out why these nutrients are so important and how you can add more to your daily routine. If you want to boost immunity and enhance your health on many levels, you won't want to miss this show! Dr. Citrolo is a doctor of pharmacy and also the Vice President of Scientific & Regulatory Affairs with Kyowa Hakko USA Inc.

Are You Ready to Find Your Next?

Are You Ready to Find Your Next?

Change, transition, and re-invention are not always easy. On this show, Karolyn talks with author and business coach Cindy Carrillo about her new book, Finding Your Nxt. Through her new book and her more than 40 years of business experience, Cindy helps guide people on their journey of personal transformation. If you are ready to find your next, you won't want to miss this show!

Simple, Daily Habits That Make Healthy Change Easy

Simple, Daily Habits That Make Healthy Change Easy

On this show Karolyn talks with the authors of The Little Wonders Playbook which is a program that inspires positive changes in health, mindset, and relationships one habit at a time. Angie DeGeronimo and E. Brian Johnson are both experts about health and counselling psychology. Together they provide practical strategies to gain better health.

Influencing The Gremlin Within

Influencing The Gremlin Within

How much does our inner voice influence our health? And how much influence do we have over that voice? On this show, Karolyn and Lise will tackle the important topic of our inner voice as it relates to our mental, emotional, and physical health. They will also discuss positive self-talk and affirmation strategies that you can use to influence your inner voice. If you want to change that inner conversation to enhance your health, you won't want to miss this show!

Understanding Environmental Medicine

Understanding Environmental Medicine

On this show, Karolyn talks with two of the world's leading authorities on Environmental Medicine. Not only will listeners find out more about this medical specialty, but they'll also find out if it's something they should look into as a means to heal from illness or enhance wellness. Dr. Lyn Patrick and Dr. Anne Marie Fine are the founders of Environmental Medicine Education International where they train and certify healthcare professionals in the field of environmental medicine.